You are writing a report in the category
Corruption is the offering or soliciting of undue advantages for the provision of certain services, e.g. preferential treatment in competition or in the exercise of official functions.

Usually, but not exclusively, this concerns offences against criminal law such as § 299 and §§ 331ff. StGB, but also bribery of members of parliament (§ 108e StGB) or works councils (§ 119 BetrVG). 

How would you like to submit your report?

In any case, after submitting your report, you will be shown automatically generated access data to respond to any queries and to view the progress of the processing.

Please describe the incident

Optional: Voice message

As an alternative or supplement to "Your message", you can record a voice message. You can record up to 5 voice messages. Each voice message can be 3 minutes long.
Record voice message


    Please note: Files often contain hidden information about authors or personal data. Office files (XLS, XLSX, DOC, DOCX, PPT, PPTX), all image formats (JPG, JPEG, GIF, etc), and PDF documents are affected in particular. Make sure you remove this information before uploading!

    Your report will be sent to the following people

    Dr. Tobias Eggers
    Dr. Tobias Eggers
    Prof. Dr. Tido Park
    Prof. Dr. Tido Park

    Send your report